Friday 10 February 2012

Another Tuesday Missed!

Love the Ten on Tuesday Idea, but it relies on me writing on a Tuesday, not that likely, soooo now stealing this idea from!/apartyofseven

 Dear House

You are beautiful with your light streaming through the windows on a beautiful spring day, and in the summer you are cool and refreshing. But right now you are cold and draughty, you really let me down in winter with your bad behaviour, please try harder next year.
Love Blanket wearing home owner
Dear Airplane

Thank you for letting me book a cot seat for Tuesday nights flight, but what I really need is a toddler seat. As the airline you work for doesn't let me book one in advance, could you hide one just for me, or more, just for Pip. Also if you could be a nice smooth sleep inducing flight for all involved that would be perfect.
Yours hopefully, first time 'flyer with a child' Jackson.

Dear Friends made through having Pip

If I haven't said it before, then let me take the chance to say it now, you are an absolute blessing and my life and my child's life is richer for having you in it. It's just a shame that we have to share those play barn places with 'strange folk' who let their kids run riot and don't watch them lol.

Looking forward to spending many years of fun with you, xxx

Dear Husband

When you travel I miss you a lot but I am so happy that you have a job you love and that you get to do these things. Iain I think you're great.

Love from her left at home

Dear Lisa Le Ped, Anna Graves, Angie Ellis and Lesley Hoo-lee!

I am so very chuffed for you all being 'with child', I wish that I could share a (2nd) pregnancy with you, you're very blessed with your gorgeous bumps, you're going to have awesome families. Can't wait to see what this year brings you all

Love an expectant but not expectant friend

Dear Sarah James

You truly are inspiring in lots of ways, thanks for being so generous with your creativity and for letting us steal your blogging ideas

Love Jo

Dear Capetown

Please be kind to me and my family, we've been so looking forward to meeting you. I hear that you're pretty hot right now and I just hope that everyone can sleep and won't get burnt. Also if you could just keep us safe and well, and let us find the best things to do that would be lovely. Did you know that Pip hasn't been overseas before?, (well apart from in my womb) we'll take lots of photos to show her when she's older, but hopefully if we get on, then it won't be her only visit anyway.

See you soon, yours in anticipation

Dear Friends
Mwah for now
Love Jo

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Wednesday 1 February 2012

another wednesday ten on tuesday!

  1. I couldn't even remember my own blog address, that's how bad a blogger I am!
  2. I have ordered my South African Rand, have bought beach towels and bical shoes for Pip
  3. Pip is a proper walker now, although that was nearly cut short when she crawled behind me without me knowing and I trod on her foot, poor lamb!
  4. I have a new job and I love it.
  5. I got paid for working Christmas night, and it was soooo worth it kerching!
  6. I'm addicted to charity shop purchases, today I got a toy for Pip that I had wanted to buy for her at full price though, £3.49 instead of £16.99, double kerching!!
  7. I'm also kind of attached to 'one born every minute', 'coppers' and 'the biggest loser', love TV too much
  8. I have been given an IPhone by my lovely bro in law, unfortunately my contract provider doesn't support IPhone so I can't get it to work, booooooo!
  9. I haven't been to the gym since the end of November, getting squidgy.
  10. I still love crumpets.