Wednesday 1 February 2012

another wednesday ten on tuesday!

  1. I couldn't even remember my own blog address, that's how bad a blogger I am!
  2. I have ordered my South African Rand, have bought beach towels and bical shoes for Pip
  3. Pip is a proper walker now, although that was nearly cut short when she crawled behind me without me knowing and I trod on her foot, poor lamb!
  4. I have a new job and I love it.
  5. I got paid for working Christmas night, and it was soooo worth it kerching!
  6. I'm addicted to charity shop purchases, today I got a toy for Pip that I had wanted to buy for her at full price though, £3.49 instead of £16.99, double kerching!!
  7. I'm also kind of attached to 'one born every minute', 'coppers' and 'the biggest loser', love TV too much
  8. I have been given an IPhone by my lovely bro in law, unfortunately my contract provider doesn't support IPhone so I can't get it to work, booooooo!
  9. I haven't been to the gym since the end of November, getting squidgy.
  10. I still love crumpets.

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