Thursday 26 April 2012

The most inconsistent blogger post!

Hello all, I am awful at blogging so here's 10 reasons why  i'm so inconsistent

  1. I work shifts and often Tuesday's pass me by so no ten on Tuesday
  2. I work shifts so often sleep is more of a priority than blogging
  3. I work shifts and i'm a full time mum, juggle, juggle, juggle
  4. I work shifts and my husband is on the other side of the world
  5. I work shifts so my house is a disgrace and you'll often find me fighting fire wrestling with load upon load of laundry, or thinking, 'when exactly did these floors get mopped'
  6. I work shifts so you'll often find me getting petrol or buying milk at 1 o'clock in the morning
  7. I work shifts so crumpets and tea are still form a major role in my diet, as do boiled eggs
  8. I work shifts so I'm beginning to look my age and some
  9. I work shifts and often wonder 'is it worth it?'
  10. I work shifts so my new moto is 'stuff everything, when i'm up, dressed and with my girl she is all that matters', feel free to wipe your feet on the way out of my house, it may be a tip but my daughter is loved x
Did I mention that I work shifts??? This post is dedicated to Nana & Grandma, God Bless you, without you it wouldn't be possible.

If you're a mummy and having a bad day, it's good to remember, these years will soon be blur and we'll be wishing for jam stained sofas and homes that smell of poo again! (or maybe not, but you know what I mean). I can't think of a single one of you that has an annoying, spoilt or over indulged child, take heart, we're all doing a great job.

and if you are a consistent blogger, good on ya! Check out: Sarah, Lucy, Hannah, & Laura.

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