Tuesday 17 July 2012

Ten on Tuesday, for once! Ten things to be thankful for:

1. Friends. New, old, mummy, faith filled, work ones. I'm blessed with a lot of lovely people around me. If you're special to me, then I hope you know that x

2. Family. The olds and the bubs. In our house you can't have one without the other. God bless helpful family, and God bless the youngest generation, they rock.

3. Kids parties. They are awesome. So nice to see lovely, well behaved children enjoying and appreciating a good time. The children I know are all ace, and generally so well behaved, they're a pleasure to be around.

4. The Wirral. It really is one of the best kept secrets in the north west, and long may it continue. I took the long way to a friends house today, cos I just live driving through the locality.

5. The nhs. I recently had the misfortune of going to the local hospital. Yes some things were questionable about the service, but heck, just the fact that you can walk in and demand good treatment is awesome.

6. My husband. He is all showered, shaved and clean, ready for an important meeting tomorrow. He is conscientious and hard working and I am so proud of him. He deserves a promotion, so I hope he gets it. Oh and I get an extension to my house if he does, hee hee.

7. The fire service. We take it for granted I think. People are daft and take stupid risks. These brave fire fighters pick up the pieces and save lives. God bless them I say.

8. The Olympics. They have their haters and slaters, but I for one am proud of London for securing the games. So 2 fingers up to all the whingers from me.

9. Clean water. I lay in a deep hot bath today and reflected on the fact that so many people will never have a bath and don't own a sparkling white bathroom. Next time you soak think on.

10. And finally G4s. Thank you G4s for showing your true colours, you are not capable of taking over policing roles so there! I hope that I never get to see you advance your little 'security' empire into frontline policing roles.

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